College Preparation

CareerQuest’s 6-week College Preparation Program is designed to assist in preparing individuals to cope with the demands of a post-secondary program. The program focuses on two areas of weakness experienced by many adults starting or returning to college-level studies: essay writing and study skills.

Essay Writing

  • Planning Steps and Scheduling
  • Conducting Research
  • Thesis Selection
  • Writing Drafts and Making Revisions
  • Citations and Bibliographies
  • Avoiding Plagiarism

Study Skills

  • Time Management
  • Planning and Organization
  • Note-Taking
  • Memorization Techniques
  • Listening Skills
  • Test-Taking Strategies
  • Critical Thinking and Decision Making
  • Using Technology

The study skills component may be of particular importance to an individual who has special needs due to a learning disability or an acquired brain injury. If appropriate, we can also incorporate the use of specialized computer applications designed to assist individuals in overcoming barriers to learning:

  • Inspiration, SparkSpace, and WordQ programs to assist individuals who have difficulty organizing ideas and writing essays
  • Kurzweil 3000 software for clients who have learning difficulties related to reading and phonics
  • Dragon NaturallySpeaking speech-recognition software for individuals whose oral communication skills are relatively stronger than their writing skills

The College Preparation Program is available on a continuous intake basis with program schedules customized to meet each client’s needs.

CareerQuest also offers tutoring services to students interested in acquiring high school credits for the purpose of obtaining their high school diploma or to satisfy admission requirements for a post-secondary school program. In doing so, CareerQuest will cover the costs of all curriculum materials and examination fees.